Please get an MNP reservation number ( 10-digit number) from your currently contracted mobile phone carrier.
※Mobile number portability (MNP) is a service that allows a cellphone or smartphone customer to change telecom carrier and keep the same phone number.
STEP2 Contract
Please offer your MNP number that you apllied from former carrier when you contract with NBK mobile.
STEP3 Shipping of SIM card
Your SIM card will be delivered to you after the contract is submitted.
STEP4 Activate SIM card
Please follow the instructions to finish the activate process.
①Please log in My Page.
Please log in My Page by entering Phone Number and Password.
※Link of My Page will be sent by E-mail.
②Activate the MNP SIM card
Please click activate button through My Page
③Replace SIM card.
Please finish phone settings after you replace the SIM card